Improved Hydrodynamics

  • Explanation: Properly designed slits streamline water flow, reducing turbulence and drag during the stroke.
  • Physiological Impact: Smoother water flow around the blade results in a more efficient transfer of power from the paddle to the water.

After paddling her first 20K event, Helen said “I tried out my other paddle first before I tried this [Oscar] and this was just a bit of a game-changer. It was so lovely, and I don’t feel like I’ve just paddled 20K.”

Lower Peak Forces

  • Explanation: By distributing water flow more evenly through the blade, slits can lower the peak forces experienced during each stroke.
  • Physiological Impact: Lower peak forces mean reduced strain on the joints and muscles, particularly in the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. This can help prevent overuse injuries and reduce discomfort during long paddling sessions.

Donna, a GBSUP Racer said “I find when I set the blade in the water, the catch is really, really soft. It takes so much pressure off my elbow and I’m able to actually maintain a really good stroke rate without it kind of having too much pressure on my body.”

Enhanced Stroke Efficiency

  • Explanation: Slits help maintain a more stable pressure difference between the front and back of the blade, enhancing the driving force without increasing the blade size or weight.
  • Physiological Impact: Better stroke efficiency reduces the cumulative workload on the user’s body over time.

Reduced Resistance and Drag

  • Explanation: Slits allow water to pass through the blade, decreasing the overall resistance faced by the blade during the stroke but not the strokes efficiency.
  • Physiological Impact: Lower resistance means less effort is required. This reduces the strain on the user’s upper body muscles, particularly the shoulders and arms.

@the_righteous_mum said “Okay, yeah. So, you know it doesn’t require as much effort for the same amount of forward motion; softer, it feels softer in the water, and yet it feels like it’s got more grip.”

Balanced Force Distribution

  • Explanation: Slits help in distributing the forces acting on the paddle more evenly, reducing the chances of asymmetrical loading on the body.
  • Physiological Impact: Even force distribution helps in preventing muscle imbalances and reduces the risk of injury from repetitive strain on the body. This is particularly important in paddling, where asymmetrical forces can lead to long-term musculoskeletal issues.

In our next post we will talk about resistance and drag in paddle sports.

Thank you and see you then

If you would like to learn more about the Oscar Propulsion Cut Blade Technology or would like to know where to try or buy one, please email [email protected]